Ensign John R. Monaghan
V.F.W. Post 51
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These are pictures of the bar area downstairs. We have booths to sit in, TV's to watch, and games to play. It's a quaint area, cozy, and place to kick up you boots and relax.

This is main bar downstairs. It is in the back of the meeting hall and can be separated from the main hall by a heavy curtain. There are booths on either side of the bar for eating and meeting with friends.(right)
Downstairs Bar Click for larger picture.
Pool Table by Bar Click for larger picture.
Another view of the bar and flat screen televisions that were installed in 2006. The bar, lighting, ceiling fixtures, booths, and walls were all revamped in 2006 in preparation for the VFW Post 51 60th anniversary.(left)
Looking from the stage in the lower hall towards the bar area. The handicap ramp to the left in the picture leads to a door by the window (at left) which brings you out to the parking lot. (right)
Jukebox, Darts, Pulltab Click for larger picture.